Accreditation Application

Accreditation procedures, certification services, inspection and assessment services and laboratory services, improve the quality of institutions, reduce costs and, above all, increase their reliability. These benefits also apply to businesses accredited by these organizations.
Accredited organization ensures international acceptability and reliability. At the same time, he proved his commitment to achieving high standards of quality.
Assessments by independent and independent experts in surveys, inspections and inspections conducted by auditors working in accreditation bodies also allow the organization to develop. Each of the employees working in accreditation bodies is a competent, experienced, trained and expert auditor in their field, and enterprises share their experience first-hand. At the same time, enterprises have the opportunity to see shortcomings, obtain information about technical developments and, accordingly, improve and improve their processes.
Therefore, it is important that enterprises are checked and documented by accredited organizations. To obtain these qualifications, accredited organizations must complete, prove and prove their organizations in accordance with relevant standards.
Here certification bodies, inspection and evaluation bodies and laboratories can apply to the ECO label Institute. ECO Label auditors are hereby verified and evaluated by ECO Label auditors on their existing documents and their work.
Within this framework, organizations that can apply for accreditation at the ECO Label Institute:
• Organizations that certify various management systems
• Product certification bodies
• Inspection Services
• Efficiency check
• Personnel certification bodies
• Testing and calibration laboratories
Our company ECO Label provides accreditation services to certification and conformity assessment agencies and laboratories that will operate in various sectors with a strong technological infrastructure, as well as trained and experienced specialists.