Media Organs

Being a priority in reaching information and news, people have always made a step forward. The first newspapers were born with the need to receive information from people who trade. The more well-known, the more accurate steps can be taken. However, over time, the media simply ceased to be newspapers. Previously, radio, and then television and the Internet, were the cornerstone of the media. However, the media has always been strong. In principle, this power should be in favor of society. The media has always played a certain role in the interest of the masses or did not demonstrate the topic.
Today, the main force of the media, the agenda - to determine. However, with the advent of social networks today, people have the right to create an agenda.
In fact, after the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, the media is considered the fourth power. However, the media potential created by the agenda is useful when it is useful. If the right reactions are carried out by the media, they can reach political power and concrete concrete steps can be taken.
At the moment, our organization, the ECO Label Institute, is using the useful power of the media. In particular, social network resources are carefully monitored, and publications on public health and environmental safety determine the need for new standards or the need to improve existing standards. ECO Label uses media bodies as a consultant from time to time.
Design standards require teamwork. This study gathered representatives from all sectors related to the subject. When creating the standard, a group of representatives of non-governmental organizations, industrial enterprises, research and testing institutions, central and local authorities, consumers, universities and the media is created.
Our company ECO Label provides accreditation services to certification and conformity assessment agencies and laboratories that will operate in various sectors with a strong technological infrastructure, as well as trained and experienced specialists.