
Companies in this sector are no longer required to produce only high-quality and reliable products. Society is much more conscious than before, and it monitors how companies are sensitive and what they do in all production processes, after production and in the case of products that are human if they are waste and protect the environment.
The fact that consumers are so conscious in purchasing products and services has led companies to focus on these issues. Consumers want to know whether enterprises have environmental policies and how they are implemented.
Consumers today are also interested in whether they are aware of their responsibilities in occupational health and safety and what they are doing.
More importantly, consumers expect businesses to prove that the goods and services they produce are consistent with internal and external standards and accepted production methods.
In all these expectations, enterprises must certify their working methods, quality management systems and their conformity with their products and services. He must also prove the safety of calibration and testing of laboratories set up in the body.
Our organization ECO Label Institute wants to take advantage of the activities of companies and the results of standard developments and updates, regardless of whether it is the protection of human health or not. He does not hesitate to cooperate with the company’s management and to consult with it.
More realistic and result-oriented solutions are made using company management experience. In this regard, the ECO Label Institute, as part of its activities as an advisory body, exchanges information with company management.
Our company ECO Label provides accreditation services to certification and conformity assessment agencies and laboratories that will operate in various sectors with a strong technological infrastructure, as well as trained and experienced specialists.